Morris - Commercial

Morris Commercial was a British manufacturer of commercial vehicles from 1924 until 1975.

William Morris lived in the village of Nuffield, he was a successful businessman, a philanthropists and became the 1st Viscount of Nuffield. Morris started Morris, Morris-Commercial, Nuffield and others.  Nuffield was the agricultural division of Morris.

Morris - Commercial CS11 (1937)
Morris Commercial Cars Ltd. Birmingham, England
British to the Backbone
Size: 190mm x 80mm & 177mm x 79mm

Morris - Commercial 
Size: 171mm x 33-75mm

Morris - Commercial LC3 (1948-1952) 
Size: 110mm x 22mm x 19mm

Morris - Commercial J Van (1949-1961) 
Size: 230mm x 39mm

Morris - Commercial J Van (1949-1961) 
Size: 224mm x 38mm x 24mm

Morris - Commercial LC4 (1960) 
A. Nuffield Product
Size: 308mm x 80mm x 40mm

Morris Commercial (agent badge)
No Longer in the Ivan Hoffmann Collection
An agent badge was designed and added by the car distributer agency not the manufacturer.